
12:45—Re-state my assumptions.

Station Identification—This is who I am, and what I do.

I'm Andy, and I make noises with my mouth for a living. I also dabble in music and audio engineering.

If you know me at all, real-life friends and acquaintances aside, you probably know me from the audiobook productions I've voiced for Falcon Sound Company—the first five books in the DEAD series (currently tracking book 6, and it is a killer in all the best ways), a handful of M/M romances for Dreamspinner Press, and two novels and a few shorts for the nice people at Grey Gecko.

I drink regularly, smoke tobacco occasionally, put my foot in my mouth daily, don't tend to get enough exercise (someday...), and have developed a habit for splitting infinitives that the hardest of the hard-boiled English teachers failed to beat out of me.

I'm not sure what this blog will be yet. For now I intend to keep it semi-private, in that I'll happily throw this stuff out into the æther and if people blunder across it that's fantastic but I have no plans to advertise at this point. I've had a blog in the past, which mostly consisted of me pretending to be Maddox under the sincere delusion that (a) anyone would care, and (b) anyone who did care would find it winning. This will not be that.

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